HSAP Enrollment

There are three types of enrollment that may apply to you:

Oskaloosa HSAP Enrollment:

If you reside in the Oskaloosa School District, you may enroll into the Osky HSAP at any time of the year. Contact our office, (641) 672-3717 or pedersena@oskycsd.org for more information.

Program families also enroll online through Infinite Campus. After contacting us you will be sent information on how to access this database from your computer. Currently enrolled families can review and update information on their student(s) through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. 

Open Enrollment:
If you live outside the Oskaloosa School District, your district may currently host a home school assistance program. If your district does not host a program you may open enroll into the Oskaloosa School District. The open enrollment deadline for students in grades 1-12 is March 1st, for the following school year. The open enrollment deadline for kindergartners is September 1st. You may obtain an open enrollment form through your resident district, by contacting us, or by visiting our Open Enrollment page. Once the open enrollment request has been submitted and approved by the Oskaloosa School District, we will contact you to set up an orientation interview to answer any questions you have and familiarize you with our program services.

Dual Enrollment:
Dual enrollment is a term used to describe a student who is primarily home educated, but who desires participation in selected classes and/or activities through the public school’s regular education program.